A teenage lesbian is a girl who expresses her sexual desires towards another girl. Lesbianism is not a disease but rather a sexual orientation. It is a trait that one acquires from an early age.

It’s worth noting that a teenage lesbian learns the traits from the environment. Lesbianism is, therefore, not genetic. Accordingly, your girl can change this kind of lifestyle.A teenage lesbian kissing her partner 

Why Lesbianism is Not Generic

Every human being was born with the instinct of attracting a person of the opposite sex. As a parent, it is essential to know whether your child is a teenage lesbian or not. Also, the measures you can take to control the action. Nevertheless, you must approach the matter with great care, love, and understanding. In this blog, I will walk you through tips for handling lesbianism in your teen.

Why is She a Teenage Lesbian?

Generally, a teenage lesbian acquires the traits from an early age. In most cases, it’s a regression from the early stages of development.

Before I walk you through the measures to take, let me dive more into what brings about lesbianism.

Another Teenage Lesbian May Recruit Her

Perhaps you have heard of the terms LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning). These are actions that the culture warns society about. The primary cause of LGBTQ is peer pressure.

A few years back, when I was in a boarding primary school, a particular group of friends used to walk together during break time. One day I decided to follow them to their areas of play-far end of the field.

Unfortunately, they chased me away. However, I turned a deaf ear and followed them. Surprisingly, I discovered that they were going to the field to practice lesbianism. I never followed them again from that day. Perhaps, I would have become a teenage lesbian too.


Afterward, I joined high school. A friend of mine tried to recruit me into lesbianism. She was a class captain. She treated me differently from the rest of the students in class. We were so close that we always woke up very early in the morning to read. Little did I know that she was a teenage lesbian.

One day we woke up early as usual to read. Sooner or later, my friend began to care for me. She wanted to kiss me, but I ran away from her room. That marked the end of our friendship.


Circumstances might force a girl, brought up in an environment with no boys around, to become a teenage lesbian. Consequently, lesbianism is rampant in boarding schools that are not mixed.

In single boarding schools, girls have rare opportunities to interact with boys. For this reason, some senior girls in the school may resort to lesbianism. This is in a bid to satisfy their sexual urges. In some other schools, it’s a method used to bully newcomers.

Poor Family Upbringing.

Perhaps you like it when you see your girl with same-sex friends. Conversely, you condemn her male friends. This may lead to your girl becoming a teenage lesbian. She will feel more secure around other girls.

The number of lesbian couples nowadays is increasing at a very high rate. Lesbianism has been legal in Western countries. Lesbian couples who want to have their kids must look for males to impregnate them. This is the reason behind many fatherless kids. As a result, the kids lack healthy family-relationship awareness.

Generally, some parents fail to play moral and financial roles to support their kids. The kids are supported financially by their peers while being taught immoral behaviors

Teenage Lesbian Due to Moral Laxity

A saying goes that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. When a girl is inactive, she becomes curious about many things, like drug abuse or lesbianism.

Furthermore, many schools tend to ignore the social, spiritual, and emotional aspects of a child’s development. Instead, they concentrate on achieving academic excellence. This may lead to moral laxity, and your girl might turn out to be a teenage lesbian.

A girl who is brought up morally upright in an environment of self-respect is advantaged. She may feel guilty and immoral after practicing lesbianism. consequently, she will not want to repeat the action.

Bad Media Influence

Social media has led to pornography exposure among children. Many have learned about sex from a very early age. Afterward, they practice what they see on social media. As a parent, control what your child watches on social media. let her know that some media are not to be seen until the rightful age.

Physical Appearance

Some girls look masculine. Concurrently, they have a boyish figure and a horse voice. Few men approach this kind of girl, resulting in loneliness. As a result, they feel inferior around boys and may prefer to hang around other girls. Their closeness may eventually lead to lesbianism.

Disappointment From Men

When a girl is raped, she develops a hatred for boys. At the same time, she becomes more attached to girls instead. With time she might want to be a teenage lesbian. If your teenage girl becomes sexually harassed, enroll her in a sexual therapist early enough. She will be taken through sessions that will prevent her sexual damage in the future.

Fear of Becoming Pregnant

Do you tell your girls that boys are bad and will make them pregnant? Don’t do that lest she will grow up feeling safer around other girls than boys. Sometimes the friendship she will build can result in lesbianism.

In most cases, a girl does not start lesbianism on her own. She is recruited by her more experienced friends. Talk to your girl to refrain from such kind of friends. Encourage her to have both male and female friends but to set proper boundaries. However, take a closer look at her moral behavior 

From the fear of contracting venereal diseases from boys, a girl might prefer to be a teenage lesbian. However, she will use crude methods of getting sexual satisfaction from her partner.  Some of these items include candle sticks, bananas, and test tubes, among others.

Can I Stop Her From Becoming a Teenage Lesbian?

Yes, you can. Lesbianism mostly starts at the onset of adolescence or even earlier. Join me as I explore ways of preventing your girl from becoming a teenage lesbian.

The Will to Change

The first step to prevent lesbianism is by letting her have the will to control it by herself. This is only possible if you offer her spiritual and psychological assistance. Love her and listen to both verbal and non-verbal language that she uses.

In most cases, many teenage girls resort to lesbianism due to failure to talk to someone in times of distress. Be always there for her. Observe her emotions at all times. let her also understand the need to attend church services regularly. It’s from here that she will gain spiritual and psychological nourishment.

Talk to Your Child Often.

As a parent, you have the responsibility of talking to your child about sex early enough. Lay a firm foundation for your child’s future healthy relationship by teaching her good morals. Perhaps you are wondering how to start the conversation with her. Choose a time when you are together. For instance, when watching a movie or when she asks a question on sexuality.

In addition, apply the right form of punishment from a very early age. It will help to correct her bad behavior.  She will therefore grow up knowing what is psychologically right or wrong.

Encourage Co-curricular Activities

Music festivals, games, dancing, or swimming are very important activities for your child’s physical, mental, and psychological development. Besides, the activities will keep your child occupied during her free time.

Moreover, hire pastoral counselors who will talk to her by citing some relevant verses from the bible. This will help her develop an inner voice that tells her what is right and wrong. Also, she will gain self-control whenever she becomes aroused, especially during ovulation.

Is She a Teenage Lesbian? Watch her friends closely

Monitor her behavior closely and the friends that she keeps. It will help you detect any unusual behavior in her. Note that if lesbianism is detected early, it can be corrected.

Don’t lose hope in case your child is already a teenage lesbian. Counseling will greatly help her correct the behavior. The counselor will walk her through a cognitive behavioral psychotherapy course which will greatly help her change her lifestyle.

Avoid any form of discrimination

It’s important as a parent to understand that, sometimes, sexual orientation is not a choice. As I said earlier, it’s a regression from the early stages of development. With that in mind, discriminating against her can lead to serious psychological harm.

Instead, support and make her understand the cons of being a teenage lesbian. If you promote understanding and tolerance in her she becomes happy. Transitioning from feelings of sexual attraction to the same gender will be easier.

About a teenage lesbian- In conclusion,

let your child understand that being a teenage lesbian is wrong. Encourage her to go to church regularly. She will be taught Christian values that will guide her in doing what is right.

However, if she is already into it, do not despise her. She is your child and you have no option but to accept her as she is. You should also understand that lesbianism is a natural feeling like any other sexual orientation. Therefore, you must approach the situation with an open mind without being judgmental.

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