Many people are not aware of the many hidden secrets women endure in their marriages. I believe its your every wish that your marriage turns out to be the best. However, no matter how you commit yourself to the relationship, your husband may not reciprocate.
After the honeymoon, you have many dreams and expectations. You don’t expect to encounter these hidden secrets women endure.
Money issues are the most common hidden secrets women endure in their marriage. Even happily married couples fight over money if they fail to plan for their expenses.
Some couples lack a financial plan for their kids’ school expenses. A few others, fail to have a common budget. Later, they argue over the issue especially if one partner is more extravagant than another.
Whenever you want to assist your parents or siblings, it is always good for you to discuss the issue with your spouse. Don’t fight over money issues like many women do. Offer financial assistance to them wisely, with the consent of your spouse.
When you get married, you hope that your marriage will be the best. You desire to have a perfect marriage with fewer failures. Equally, you have a lot of expectations from your husband.
You need to understand that your vision may not be in line with your partner’s. Don’t get married expecting your partner to do one, two, or three things. Sometimes it’s good for you to be independent. Read more of this in The Laws of attraction
Your partner may not commit himself to the marriage as much as you do. Therefore, don’t expect too much from him, he might disappoint you.
Perhaps, you want to construct a house while he wants to buy a car before the end of the year. It would be better if the two of you agreed on one goal.
The third hidden secret women endure is inadequate communication with their spouses. If You and your husband spend too much time on Facebook, WhatsApp, and TV, there will be less communication between the two of you.
Create some time for each other away from the TV, laptop, and mobile phone. Don’t let communication breakdown ruin your marriage.
When I got married, my husband and I spent most of the time together. However, when he bought a new smartphone, things changed. He spent most of his time watching movies and playing games on his phone. I remember warning him about his divided attention toward me, which left me feeing lonely and bored.
Many people face infidelity issues in their marriage. Although women cheat, In most cases, it’s the men who do it.
Cheating is bad because it can destroy your marriage. Most couples who are Divorced complained of infidelity in their marriage.
At least 80% of men have once or twice cheated on their partners. However, women don’t speak about it to avoid embarrassment to the family. These hidden secrets women endure often lead to silent suffering.
If your husband cheats on you, the trust you had for him is often lost even after he asks for forgiveness. In one way or the other, his actions destroy the relationship.
Although the many hidden secrets women endure in relation to religious beliefs and cultural values are many, they still choose to remain silent. The men do not assist them in house chores because their culture does not allow it.
A woman struggles all alone with house chores such as washing clothes and cleaning utensils. The man on the other hand just sits watching programs on TV or playing games on the phone. He fails to assist the already tired wife with some house chores because, as I said earlier, his culture does not allow it.
Many Single women envy marriage life because they are not aware of the many hidden secrets women endure. When they meet them on their way to church, hand in hand with their spouses and kids, they assume their life is the best.
When you get married, you have to follow your husband’s religion and culture irrespective of whether you are willing or not. It’s not easy for you to adapt to a religion and culture you were not used to.
For example, there are some cultures in Kenya whereby if a man passes on, one of his brothers inherits the wife and all his property. The widow is not allowed to make a decision about whether she will settle down with him or not.
Some of his friends may be a nuisance to your marriage. Friends who want to be all over him. They will always compete with you for his attention by inviting him to any kind of gathering or match.
A woman doesn’t like these kinds of friends who snatch her man away, leaving her bored and lonely in her house.
I was really excited when i got married around 15 years ago. I knew I had found a companion whom I would spend most of my time with. Life was good at first until his male friends became undesirable.
I remember the many times we canceled our plans because ot these friends. Initially, every Sunday afternoon, we would go for a walk or to some cool hotels to watch a match.
The friends severally called him for a match or drink while I was left in the house. Although I was busy with the kids, it would have been better if he was with me in the house.
After birth, a woman stays in the house and takes care of the kids all by herself. Most men only offer financial assistance. She can no longer go out with friends for drinks or any form of late-night celebrations.
There are many hidden secrets women endure that nobody knows about. Many of them lose all their close friends the moment they get married- one mistake most women make. They direct all their attention to the kids and husbands thereby forgetting the friends who later walk away never to come back.
Do you know that there are many hidden secrets women endure in their sex life? It’s embarrassing to share with anyone about your sex life. Right? This is the reason why you.may suffer in silence.
If you are married to an alcohol addict, your man probably comes home late in the night drunk and smelling alcohol. He eats very fast and runs to sleep. This makes you feel unwanted and unloved.
Generally, people get married with the hope of having children. If a couple stays for a long time without kids, the society blames the woman. Many accuse her of having carried out an abortion in her teenage life.
Nevertheless, this forces the man to marry another wife who can be able to bear male children. Sometimes all the hidden secrets women endure, the society is to blame.
Occasionally, relatives from both sides visit and probably spend a few days or weeks. There are many hidden secrets women endure during their stay with these relatives that their husbands are not aware of. Some of them may be difficult to live with because of their attitude and disrespect towards these women.
Sometimes, there is a lot of pressure on the woman. She has to withstand such kind of relatives especially if they are from the husband’s side to avoid conflicts.
Although the two of you should create time for relatives, your In-laws may misjudge you for not visiting them as often as you visit your own
Some families, kick the woman out of her compound when the husband dies. She is not even allowed to inherit the property left behind by the diseased.
A woman has a strong heart. She endured many hidden secrets to protect the image of her family. She wouldn’t want to taint the name of her husband too.
Marriage is not a bed of roses. Due to such issues, some people have chosen to remain Single, especially those that were married but later Divorced.
Not everyone encounters the hidden secrets women endure. However, you need to choose your life partner wisely to avoid such issues happening to your marriage.